Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lightroom continued part 3

I decided to copy all of the image files from the USB drive to the Firewire drive but half way through the copying process the Mac hung again. One re-boot later and it seemed I had copied a lot of the files but not all. With Windows if I drag a folder from one drive to another of the same name it will give a number of options but not so on the Mac it's either replace or stop. Maybe I am missing something.

So in trying to determine what was copied of the 10 or so main directories I used Command I to find out how big the folders were to ascertain if all files were copied, a cumbersome process. In Windows I can just roll the mouse over the folder and it will give me the size. In the end it was easier to simple copy all of the files again, I hope it's not going to crash again.

At the same time as I am doing this on the Mac I am moving files around on the various Windows PCs and across the network. Despite the fact that at times I have had over 20 copy windows open on my Vaio it has not uttered a murmur of complaint and has not crashed, in fact I can't remember the last time it crashed.

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