Friday, April 16, 2010

The First REAL day of Work

The first problems I have encoutered is connecting the computer to our network. We have what can best be described as a peer to peer network. We have two RAID NAS (Network Attatched Storage) devices, one has two USB drives attached as back-up and then all of the Windows machines can also act as servers. One of them has two 1.5 TB shared drives connected via USB and another has a BluRay BDROM which we use as a seconday backup.

One of the printers (a 64" Epson 11880) has an ethernet port and the others are connected to Windows computers which act as print servers.

The first problem I encoutered was trying to connect to the network drives, only one NAS drive showed up and none of the Windows shared drives. After screwing around a bit I found that I could force the Mac to recognize them by using smb://drivename this allowed me to connect and it seems to work fine although whenever I try to access the drives through Photoshop a window opens for no apparent reason and I have to close it to get back to Photoshop.

The network access seemed very slow - much slower than my Vaio working wirelessly - so I hardwired the computer and it got a little faster.

Photoshop seems to run well and it's quite fast but nothing to write home about and certainly no faster than my old Core i7 desktop.

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