Thursday, November 11, 2010


Now it's some 6 months or so since I got my Mac. I still have to re-start it practically every day if I am using it. Photoshop CS5 still crashes (the last time - 5 mins ago I had just saved a document and the document could not be edited, force close of CS5), I found that Photoshop could be made to go a little faster by changing some setting in the preferences file and I found that if I used Photoshop and ANY other application everything starts to go super slow.

The latest minor annoyance is that I installed Carbonite on the Mac and after deciding it would not work for me I could not uninstall it and I still have the annoying little symbol in the task bar.

The Windows/Linux network works one day an not the next, no apparent reason. None of the other computers on the network have any of these problems, except, of course, our iMac.

If I want to create a folder on the network I can only use one of the Windows machines because (new with 10.6 OSX) folders created on the Macs are locked to any other users. Also with two identical Buffalo NAS servers set EXACTLY the same on the same Switch one connects automatically and appears on the desktop and the other can only connect using a manual connection.

My trusty old Sony Vaio has not bee re-booted for, well weeks. Despite its age and processor if performs practically the same as the Mac except its more reliable. I am thinking of dumping the iMac and getting a new PC at the moment.