Friday, May 28, 2010

More Permission Issues

Oh my god what a pain OSX Leopard is. Do they call it Leopard because it's scary and untrainable. How about being able to do a SIMPLE task like copy a file from a Mac to a NAS network drive running Linux.

Most of the thousands of posts about this suggest opening up terminal and using Unix line command, what is this fucking MS-DOS

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Here's another great feature of the Mac (not) so this morning I opened a file on the network, adjusted it and saved it. Then a little later I opened it again, printed it and went to close the file and it gave me an " cannot save this file because of permissions" message.

No matter I thought, I have not changed it since I saved so I just closed it. The file has now gone! Disappeared . . . wha . . .the f . . .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

File Permissions - This time with Zipped files

I think I have mentioned before the nightmares we are having with file permissions on the Macs with Leopard. I guess it's because, like Windows, everyone is worried about security. Judging by the thousands of posts you will find if you type "Leopard Permissions" into Google I am not alone (the first post is Leopard permission Nightmare).

Today I received a two files from a student, both of which were zipped on a Mac at school. Can extracted them on any of the Macs here NO. Windows can!

It's a real P*I*T*A that every small job I try to do on the Mac offers up some kind of roadblock that make me go back to my trusty Vaio.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New kind of Crash

Wednesday another Pizza wheel of death but this time with Finder, trying to connect to a Network drive it just stopped and finder crashed, on trying to re-open finder I get "The application finder can't be opened -10810".

I did a survey of Windows users on the network and over the same period of time, i.e. since we have had the Macbook Pro, we have NOT had any crashes, no fictional blue screens of death, nothing. Our I-Mac, which has recently been upgraded to Leopard and has limited use, thankfully, has only crashed twice in the same period - but we don't use it much.

I was running Photoshop, Skype was open and Open Office.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Printing Issues

Today, after Photoshop did it's daily crash and I rebooted, (I was working on a 240 dpi file of 35" x 25" with 20 or so layers) I sent a file to print.

It seems that, unlike Windows systems, if you send a file to the printer (in this case an Epson 11880 using IP) and the paper is not loaded, then you load the paper, it will just sit there until you pause the printer and re-start it in the control panel. Again no big deal once you know it happening but on Windows systems it would start printing one the paper was loaded without intervention.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Crash Report

Photoshop Crashed badly after opening a 1.5 Gbyte file, changing it a little and saving. PShop did not want to cooperate so I closed all other applications, no luck. I then force quit Photoshop through the Finder although it did not say it was not responding. Tried to re-start and once again the spinning Pizza wheel of death.

Left it spinning for some time and then did a hard reset - the second today.

Information: The 1.5 Gbyte file was created and edited on my Windows 7 Vaio with no problems except those normally associated with editing such a big file.

Battery Life Experiment

Just for the hell of it I decided to see how long the battery would last under pretty normal usage. I did not change any of the standard settings.

4 hours and 47 minutes with 4% left.

I know that they claim 7 - 8 hours but compared to when my Vaio was brand new that's probably double.

My usage was pretty heavy but with not much hard drive access, mostly Dreamweaver, creating new web sites, e-mail, Excel and Word and Internet access. A few times I logged into remote desktops. I also had to re-start once.

Good things about the Mac

I must be fair and I have to say that there are some things i really like about the Mac. First is the battery life, while it fall far short of the 7 - 8 hours promised it still runs for a loooong time on the battery, way more than any Windows laptop I have, even more than my Netbook.

I also really like the keyboard and back lit keys, I often work at home and being able to see the keyboard is great. I still like the touch pad which is better than the Vaio. I am still enjoying the Mighty Mouse especially in Photoshop where the left-right movement is really productive. Windows 7 has the same feature on some Mice by tweaking the mouse wheel left and right but it does not work nearly as well as the Mac Mouse.

Adobe Products

I use obviously use Photoshop extensively but also Dreamweaver and Illustrator. We also have a lot of big Photoshop files.

I the last week the Mac has crashed in Photoshop practically every day. Over the weekend I started using Dreamweaver on the Mac and this morning it stopped working for no apparent reason. I tried the Command Option Esc but in the end the only way I could get the computer to work was by doing a hard reset (yes, holding down the power button).

In the same period and doing pretty much the same tasks my Windows 7 Vaio has not faltered.